
Welcome to the World Community Network (WCN)! Join us in creating a blueprint for a new world of harmony and abundance. Our 77-person team now spans six continents and communicates in 57 languages. Behind the scenes, we are very busy developing systems for the web and via a mobile app that will inspire and enable us to connect, communicate, and take collective actions together. The first version of our mobile app for iOS is finished! We just migrated our systems to the Amazon cloud to support much higher web traffic. The initial version of our new social media/networking platform is complete and is being beta tested. Join with us today!!

Muhammad Rafey, AWS Engineer and Full-Stack Developer (Faisalabad, Pakistan)

Muhammad Rafey is a full-stack web developer passionate about solving problems and enhancing web experiences. Beyond coding, he's a keen gamer, football enthusiast, and explorer of virtual worlds. Believing in leveraging technology to improve life, he is committed to continuous learning for greater efficiency and innovation. Representing a blend of professional dedication and personal passion, Muhammad demonstrates that work and hobbies can be pursued with equal fervor. Serving WCN as an AWS engineer, he supports values that advocate for peace, equality, diversity, and long-term, optimistic thinking towards a harmonious and abundant future. Muhammad actively contributes to building digital and physical communities that mirror these principles, aiming to replace the existing model with peaceful, innovative solutions.